The Lewton-Brain Foldform Competition Pepetools will award gift certificates to 1st Place, 2nd Place, 3rd Place, Honorable Mention, and Innovation award winners.
A rolling mill like the one pictured here is used to achieve many beautiful forms in foldforming. Rolled folds include the Heistad, Good, Plunkett, and Pleated M-Fold as you'll see on THIS sample classifications page. Ganoksin chose a Pepetools model rolling mill as their top pick for jewelry in 2020; read the detailed review HERE. It's just one example of the many tools wonderful tools available from this manufacturer. Visit Pepe Tools
Forging Hammers
A good commercial cross-peen hammer must be modified with a slight curve for foldforming. The straight corners of an unmodified hammer peen will leave unwanted end-marks in the metal with each blow. The ends of a properly curved peen will not, with practice. Jewelers with access to a grinder and knowledge how to use it safely can modify their own hammers. Otherwise, a local metal shop should be able to grind it for you.
A good commercial cross-peen hammer must be modified with a slight curve for foldforming. The straight corners of an unmodified hammer peen will leave unwanted end-marks in the metal with each blow. The ends of a properly curved peen will not, with practice. Jewelers with access to a grinder and knowledge how to use it safely can modify their own hammers. Otherwise, a local metal shop should be able to grind it for you.